To Copy (Rip) a CD



Put the audio CD into your CD-ROM drive. If you do not have Auto-Rip selected as the default behavior, click on the relevant device under CD, DVD & Handhelds in the organization tree.


Media Center displays the track information. If it does not find the information, a dialog box opens asking you to type it in. Do so, and submit the information to YADB, the online database. If you do not complete the information, the next time you insert the CD you will have no information. However, you can always modify the various fields in the content pane as required (artist name, genre, year) at a later time.


To copy the entire CD, do one of the following:
Click on , or Expand CD, DVD & Handhelds in the tree, select the CD player, right click and select "Rip (Copy CD)", or go to Tools | Rip (Copy) CD..


Click on the Options button and confirm or modify the Device Settings, Encoding (to choose your file format) and File Naming & Location Settings. (Pay particular attention to the latter, for your files will be saved and named as per the instructions on this screen.)


To listen to a track before copying it, right click on it and select preview.


Click the Start button.


Wait for the copying and encoding process to complete.

To quickly find your files in Media Center, go to the “Recently Ripped” playlist. It is created automatically whenever you rip a CD, and is deleted when you exit Media Center.