Skin Manager


Go to Skin Manager to download “MEGA-ME” and “mini-me” skins, or to disable skins.

Open Skin Manager

Do one of the following:

If you are in "MEGA-ME" mode, go to Tools | Skin Manager

If you are in "mini-me" mode, right click on the Player or Equalizer windows and select "Skin Manager" from the menu.

Choose from the MEGA-ME and mini-me tabs, select a Skin from the left pane, then press Apply.

Location of Skins

By default, skins are in the following default directories:

"MEGA-ME" skins are located in … \J River\Media Center\MegaSkins.

"mini-me" skins are in \J River\Media Center\MiniSkins.

Hairstyle skins are in J River\Media Center\FullSkins